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One Year of Blogging Q & A

May marks the one year anniversary of my blog, Love Vick. I have been deliberating over how to incorporate this milestone into a blog post all month and finally decided to do my first Q & A. I've received questions from new bloggers, people who are thinking about blogging and fit pros on different areas that they would like to know more about. I can't tell you how excited this makes me and how much I've loved getting your questions. Thank you!


What inspired you to start your blog? [From: Ashley Abatiello @ashleyabatiello]

My website/blog has evolved over the past year to become what it is today but, it's still a work in progress. I originally started my website to just keep in touch with my private Pilates clients. It served as a point of contact and reference for someone who wasn't on social media. It then evolved into an e-commerce site where I still sell my favorite wellness and fitness related merchandise. I did not start my website with the intention to blog but I realized that its a great way to share information and in greater depth than a facebook page or Istagram account could. My goal was always to make myself accessible and approachable to people through this forum and hopefully influence their lives for the better.


What's your favorite city to travel to and how to you stay active there? [From: Shelby Albo @TravelFitLove]

My favorite place to visit is St.Croix, USVI. I love the vibe of the island, especially downtown Christiansted. There are so many ways to stay active on this island. Aside from the many excursions available to you, my personal favorite way to stay active is with a private Poolates session. I found a concierge Pilates Instructor who owns her own Pilates studio near town and offers Poolates to anyone who has a pool. I have never had a more beautiful and revitalizing workout before in my life. I get to enjoy my favorite way of working out, Pilates, in a refreshing pool with an amazing view of the Caribbean ocean. There are also a lot of beautiful places to practice yoga, cycling and crossfit. This island makes it very easy to get a great workout in no matter what your preference is. I can't wait to go back again.


Once you complete the (Pilates) comprehensive program what is your career goal? Open up a studio? Work for a studio? Continue Education? [From: Eliza @pilatesrope]

I am very excited to be in the home stretch of my comprehensive Pilates certification. I enjoy being an instructor and teaching and working with private clients but, I also find doing bigger events exciting and a lot of fun, too. I'm still waiting to see where this journey will take me but my intention is to bring safe and effective fitness to as many people as possible. One of my goals is to be able to hold a fitness/wellness retreat where women can take time for self-care, self-love and recharge.


Where you always interested in a career in the fitness space? If so, how has it evolved? If no, when and how did you make the switch? [From: Ariella Hackman @ariellahackmann

I became a dance teacher basically right out of high school and taught through college. It was in this dance studio that I also added adult fitness classes to my schedule. I kept teaching my adult fitness classes on the side even after I started a full time job as a paralegal. I worked 9-5 in a small law office and then at a much larger defense firm. The fitness space was always on the side until I decided I could no longer work as a paralegal. The turning point was January 2017, two months after delivering and losing our son John Paul. My maternity leave expired at this point and I had to make the decision whether or not to go back to the office. I swear to you that I heard a voice tell me 'you can't go back there'. Everything in my gut told me that I had to redirect my focus and leave that prior work environment behind. It felt like I had gone off path but I was being corrected by something outside of myself. I know I sound all woo-woo now but it's true. Making fitness a "full time" job is not easy but I feel like I'm more in alignment with myself than ever before. So in a nutshell, I was always interested in the fitness industry as a side hustle until I decided to make it my main hustle.


What is the most profound moment or experience you have had with Pilates that changed your life for the better? [From: Monica Lorenzo @romofit]

This is such a great question but so hard to answer. I wish I did have a singular profound life changing moment because of Pilates but I don't think I do. First of all, I can say my first introduction to Pilates in high school was life changing but I didn't know it then. I often think of my modern dance teacher Ms. Zahl who would reference Pilates all the time and wish I could recall those moments more vividly.

Because Pilates is a safe and effective way of exercising for almost anyone, I feel comfortable practicing Pilates even with 2 herniations in my neck and 1 bulging disc in my lumbar spine. I generally have a lot of pain, or at least I tell myself I have a lot of pain. How much of this is psychosomatic, I don't know. I'll have to ask Dr. Sarno. Nevertheless, I always get on the mat or the reformer to do what I can and manage to feel better after a good session.

Pilates has also given me a growing community of strong and amazing women. I love the people I have met because of Pilates. Pilates keeps me moving and keeps me going in so many ways. I owe a lot to Pilates and I am so thankful that it has become such a big part of my life.

Thanks again for making this special blog post possible by sending in your questions. Also, thank you for your support and making a whole year of blogging possible.

Love Vick


Love Vick Inc.​

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